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Finals Schedule

bell schedule


First Semester Finals Assessment Schedule  

Below is the first semester finals assessment schedule starting December 15th. Wednesday 12/13 and Thursday 12/14 will be designated for assessment preparation and study sessions. Friday December 15th, Monday December 18th, Tuesday December 19th, and Wednesday December 20th will be final assessments with early releases (please see times below for release and bus departure). Students will be able to receive grab and go lunches prior to departure. If students need to make up any assessment, they may make appointment times with their teachers during the afternoon periods but must provide their own transportation. All students must take their final assessments on the schedule block Friday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. There are no early finals. If there is an extenuating circumstance, please set up a meeting prior to December 8, 2022, with an assistant principal by calling 719-328-6610.