AFJROTC Fundamentals
Goals and Objectives
The goal of the AFJROTC program is to instill in high school cadets the values of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment. We do this by educating and training high school cadets in citizenship; promoting community service; instilling responsibility, character, and self-discipline; and providing instruction in the fundamentals of air and space science.
The AFJROTC program is offered to ALL D11 high school students (9-12 grade).
Contact your grade-level counselor if you are interested in joining AFJROTC. Any questions about the program can be directed to Colonel (Ret) Hinson at
JROTC is not a military recruiting program, but instead a program to develop citizenship, character, and leadership. The program at Mitchell started in 2000. The unit has earned Distinguished Unit status every year since its inception.
The Mitchell HS AFJROTC Program offers a four-year curriculum. All students will be granted academic credit toward graduation requirements for successful completion of AFJROTC courses.