Registration Enrollment Requirements
*If your student is a new 9th grade Freshman for the 23-24 school year, coming from a D11 feeder Middle School (Swiggert, Sabin, Galileo, Mann) you do not need to complete a new student registration form. Please make sure to report any changes on information*
1. A parent or guardian must enroll a student in District 11
- Go to the D11 website/Enrollment and complete a new student registration form.
- You must create an account, complete all the steps on the submission and get a confirmation of submission message.
- NOTE: Any incomplete forms will not be processed.
2. The following documentation is required to enroll:
- Parent / Guardian ID. If there is custody granted to the adult, please provide the legal documentation.
- Verification of the child’s birth date (birth certificate, passport, or military ID)
- Immunization records. If not available, we can request them from the previous school or you will have time to complete them.
- Proof of residency
- Current utility bill showing your name and the property address or current lease or rental agreement.
- If you live with family or friends: Current letter from the family you are residing with stating that you are living with them, their contact number AND proof of address from the family you are living with
These can be uploaded in the New Student Registration Form, or you can bring them to the Registrar’s Office and we will make copies for you):
3. Transcripts/Academic records
- Name and address of student’s previous school to request academic records
- NOTE: Enrollment can’t be completed without transcripts. MHS encourages parents/guardians to provide records. This will expedite the enrollment process.
- If a student has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for special education services, a copy of the current/latest plan is needed.
Once the New Student Registration form has been successfully submitted and student records & documentation have been received and processed, the parent/guardian will receive a call from the Counseling Department to schedule a schedule pick up or an appointment with the counselor if necessary.
*Please allow time for your records to be received and processed, once we request the records from the previous school, the waiting time depends on the previous school to send the records and our data entry. We greatly appreciate your patience *
- Angie Torres (719) 328-6612
- Mary Dillon (719) 328-6626
- (Spanish support) Lourdes Pico (719) 328-6688
- Vanessa Castillo (719) 328-6615
- MHS Fax Number (719) 328-6797